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Arab Bread with Lentils
1 1/2 cups red lentils
2 lbs. lamb bones
1 loaf round brown Arab bread
1 onion
10 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tomato
6 tablespoons corn oil
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
oil for frying bread

Boil the lamb bones in four cups of water; keep water level the same throughout. Remove the bones. Wash the lentils. Add the lentils to the bone stock. As the lentils boil, remove the froth. Add the onions, half the garlic and the tomato, lower heat and leave until the lentils are cooked. Cool, and put through a food blender. Return to heat, bring to boil and add the salt, pepper and cumin. Boil for five minutes. Cut bread into small pieces, fry in oil and remove. (Unfried bread can be used). Fry remainder of garlic in one tablespoon of oil. Arrange the bread with the lentils in an oven dish and pour the garlic and oil over them. Serve hot.
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