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Kapsa (Chicken & Rice) ßÈÓÉ ÏÌÇÌ
Ingredients list:

1 1/2 cups White Basmati Rice-cleaned & rinsed (Do not use other kinds of rice for this recipe)
Water (amount varies according to the size of boiler-pot you are using)
1 Tomato cut up in small pieces
1 small to medium onion chopped
2 heaping teaspoons of Baharat spice ground
3 heaping teaspoons of cardomon ground
3/4 can of tomato paste
6 teaspoons of olive oil
1 small snack box of raisins
1 small chicken cut in sections (a frying chicken will do)
salt to taste
1 cinnamon stick
2 packets (.19 oz each) of "Wyler's instant beef broth (optional)
1 dried black lemon
2 heaping teaspoons powdered garlic


1. Thaw chicken according to meat packing directions, wash chicken thoroughly and take the
skin off the chicken. Set aside skinned chicken, but nolonger than a few minutes so as not to
promote bacterial growth.
2. In a large boiler-pot add oil, chopped onions and 1 heaping teaspoon of cardomon stirring
until browned on medium high heat.
3. Add boiling water to the boiler-pot until half full.
4. Add salt accoriding to your own taste, 2 heaping tablespoons of cardomon, 2 heaping
teaspoons of garlic powder, the cut tomato, 3/4 can of tomato paste, 1 black lemon and
the raisins to the already browned onions. (adding the 2 packets of "Wyler's instant beef broth
at this time is optional).
5. Stir on medium heat and try a little of the broth (add spices to suit your own taste).
6. Add chicken to the broth and keep at medium heat. Cover with aluminum foil and then the
pot lid.
7. Boil chicken on medium high for approximately 30 minutes. Turn down heat to medium
temperature and take the chicken out of the broth and place in an oven baking dish into
a preheated oven at 300 degrees F. & bake.
8. Strain the broth. Keep the strained ingredients in one bowl and the broth in another bowl.
9. Put the ingredients (e.g. onions, tomato, black lemon, etc.) back into the boiler-pot.
10. Add the 1 1/2 cups of Basmati rice along with 3 measured cups of the kapsa broth that
you had previously set aside in a bowl.
11. Bring the Basmati rice, the Kapsa broth and all the ingredients to a boil, then immedietly
turn down heat to low and cover sealing tightly again with aluminum foil. Cover with a lid over
the aluminum foil. Do not open or peek at it for atleast 10 minutes. Then periodically check to
see if rice is light and fluffy, but do not stir rice.

The Kapsa rice is done when all the broth has been absorbed. Remember to check on the
chicken in the oven every so often to make sure that it doesn't overcook and become dry.
The chicken should be moist.

Turn off the heat and take off the aluminum foil and allow the extra steam to escape. If the
Basmati rice appears dry and not completely cooked add a little bit of the extra broth and
recover until finished. Do not mix the water and rice, just add over the top.

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